Sight Word Graphing

Sight Word Graphing Bundle

Last week I introduced a new sight word activity that I created with some of my students. Second graders often take of in reading, but still struggle with sight words.  Let's face it . . . You just have to memorize sight words.  I remember being little and my mom flashing sight words to me.  I learned my sight words but it was boring.  If you are a struggling reader and struggle with sight words, it makes it even harder to learn your sight words.

Last weekend I made sight word graphing for my kiddos.  They loved it! As a matter of fact, they begged to have sight word graphing for homework that night.  Here's how I did it with my kids.

I have two different versions of sight word graphing.  In one version, students simply find the words and then color in boxes to graph.  This is an acceptable practice, but research actually says that if students cannot write or spell the word correctly, then they do not really know the sight word.

This week I had my kids find each word by reading it out loud, write the word on the graph over the appropriate header, and touch and read the word again.  Students then colored the boxes of the graph in to see how many of each sight word they found! They loved it!

Go by my store to get my sight word graphing bundle from levels pre-primer to 3rd grade!

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